
What is Infrared Light Therapy and Does it Have Benefits?

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Infrared light is a range of electromagnetic radiation that some commercially-available devices create. Manufacturers and proponents pinned a lot of claims of these devices – from saying infrared light reduces inflammation and pain to claiming it improves mood. Do any of these purported benefits hold up to the science? Read on to find out.

What is Infrared Light?(How much do we know)

Infrared radiation (IR), or infrared light, is a form of electromagnetic radiation that’s become popular with widely available infrared light devices. These devices can be lasers, lamps, or tanning bed-like machines. However, this technique is still controversial as a therapeutic approach.

Some manufacturers claim these devices will help people lose weight, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and even improve mood. Is there any substance to the hype? Very little and not enough to draw any health-related conclusions.

Wavelength Range

Infrared light is outside the visual spectrum. It gets its name from the fact that it lies just beyond the wavelength of red light. It is often categorized as near-infrared (NIR), infrared (IR), and far-infrared (FIR) radiation .

NIR wavelength ranges from 700 – 810 nanometers (nm), IR wavelength ranges from 810 – 3000 nm, and FIR ranges from 3000 – 100,000 nm .

According to limited research, IR has the ability to penetrate human tissue. The wavelength with the greatest ability to penetrate tissue likely lies between 690 and 900 nm .

Types of Devices

Commercially-available lamps are designed to emit radiation above 700 nm. Some lamps can also emit specific ranges within the IR spectrum, though these are less common due to their high cost .

Infrared saunas and smaller infrared devices use these lamps as well as infrared lasers to deliver infrared light to the entire surface of the body or to specific areas.

Far-infrared saunas (FIRSs) are approved by the FDA and Canadian Standards Association and are sold to the public as recreational saunas.

Infrared-radiation-emitting substances can be incorporated into fabrics or devices for continuous delivery .

For example, some companies market infrared body wraps, which are made of large silicone bandages or pads that emit infrared light around the legs, stomach, and arms. Infrared wraps are promoted for “reducing cellulite” and “fat loss,” though none of these effects have been proven.

Infrared therapy can be delivered through devices like lamps, saunas, and body wraps.

 Mechanisms of Action

As opposed to ionizing radiation like far-ultraviolet radiation and x-rays, infrared light is a non-ionizing form of radiation. According to limited research, there is no evidence that infrared radiation damages DNA, though no long-term safety studies are available .

Other researchers hypothesize that infrared radiation has unique mechanisms in interacting with biological tissue. The first major effect is increasing the temperature of the target tissue. Most infrared radiation sources also radiate a large amount of heat, which can affect a specific region. This has a similar effect to using a simple hot compress .

The second major category of interaction infrared radiation can have is non-heating, which generally involves infrared radiation being absorbed by the bonds of specific molecules or structures within the body. The structure is then excited, activated, or changes shape as a direct result .

Infrared therapy is intended to deliver a non-ionizing radiation into inflamed tissues. Some researchers postulate that increased temperature is responsible for the observed benefits.


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