
Features of Frosted Infrared heating tubes

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1. Energy-saving heating method. Near-infrared short-wave halogen heating lamp tubes can convert electrical energy into heat energy, which is much higher than traditional heating methods.

2. The new heating method directly heats the object without heating the air around the object; it can directly heat the object in a vacuum environment. In the traditional heating method, the problem of loss during heat transfer between the heat source and the heating object.

3. High-quality quartz tubing is a high-temperature material. , It has good suckability in a high-temperature environment, will not produce explosion tubes, and the safety level is very high.

4. Anti-glare effect The special high-quality frosted quartz tube used by Reyuan Company has an anti-glare effect. After the lamp is lit, it can radiate a beautiful rose-red light, which is relatively soft and can protect the eyes to a certain extent.

5. Swift response time and speed.


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